Hamptons Kitchen Finalist in Home Beautiful Magazine

Hamptons kitchenImpala loves this kitchen and so does our client – she entered it in a Home Beautiful magazine competition for “My Favourite Room” and it was a finalist. You can see it in this month’s edition of Home Beautiful on page 68.


Hamptons kitchen2

Winning design features of the kitchen were:

  • While awaiting the renovations, the client’s biggest irritation had been a poorly laid out pantry in the existing kitchen and lack of bench space, so these became the key to the layout. The look is about tradition without being too ornate.
  • The relatively simple mantle area gives a traditional focal point without boxing in the cooking area. There is plenty of bench space either side of the cooking range and the flanking glass doors lighten the whole look. The client loves the Shaker style posts defining the breakfast bar and the grooved paneling with traditional proud kickboards.
  • The overall space had to include dining and living areas and the clients definitely wanted a breakfast bar. To achieve this without crowding, it was better to adopt a traditional U shape for the kitchen, rather than an island.
  • Access to the universally despised corner cupboards was achieved with the help of a Lemans swing out corner mechanism and in the corner adjoining the breakfast bar, by a secret door disguised as part of the bar back panel.